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Tree Services
We provide a wide range of arborist services. Just because you can't find exactly what you need done on the list, it doesn't necessarily mean we can't do it! Contact us and let us know what you need. No job is too small.
Tree Removal
Although we love trees, sometimes they have to go.
At Glenmore Yard and Tree, we have a fully insured team of arborists offering affordable tree removal services. We have experience cutting down all kinds of trees - from the smallest cedars, to 80-foot poplars. After safely and efficiently removing your tree, we always give you the option to keep as much (or as little) of the resulting firewood as you'd like, and the rest we haul away.
The cost of tree removal is determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the size and complexity of the project. Contact us for a free quote!
Tree and Shrub Pruning
Trees full of deadwood? Branches scraping the roof? Overgrown Bushes?
Not only does careful and selective pruning improve the look of your yard, it is also essential to growing strong and healthy plants of any kind.
Trees require frequent pruning to encourage growth and prevent disease. We recommend having trees pruned every 2-5 years, depending on the age and vigour of the tree. Shaping your trees and removing deadwood helps encourage new growth, and breathe new life into your outdoor spaces. Overgrown trees often need pruned to keep them from damaging roofs, eaves, or even interfering with powerlines and other utilities.
Pruning cost is set on a case-by-case basis, depending on the scale and complexity of the project. Contact us for a free quote!
Disease Treatment and Control
Like all living things, trees are susceptible to infection and disease. At Glenmore Yard and Tree, we have experience treating the most common diseases that effect our trees in Alberta.
Birch Leafminer
Leafminer is a common disease that affects birches in Calgary. It's caused by a tiny insect which feeds on the insides of birch leaves, causing a brown discoloration on the leaves. Left untreated, the leafminer will eventually starve and kill the tree. Because of this disease, birch trees are some on the most common removals we have to do in the Calgary area.
We use a form of natural insect control which we spray around the base of the birch tree to treat and prevent leafminer. The treatment we use contains nemotoads, a single-cell organism which eats leafminer eggs, effectively eradicating the insect without the use of chemicals. The treatment becomes visibly effective the season after it is applied.
Leafminer treatment for a birch tree costs $120, and includes fertilization.
Aspen Leaf Roller
Leaf roller is a disease that commonly effects the lower half of aspen trees, but sometimes spreads to poplar trees as well. The disease is caused by an infestation of small caterpillars, which "roll" the leaves into small tube shapes. The disease is usually not lethal; however, it can weaken the tree and make it more susceptible to other diseases.
We treat for leafroller by spraying the tree with horticultural oil, which smothers the caterpillar larvae responsible for the disease.
Leafroller treatment starts at $30 per tree, but the exact price depends on the size and overall number of affected trees. Contact us for more information.
Black Knot Fungus
The Black Knot Fungus (or poop-on-a-stick disease) is a devastating fungal infection that affects a wide variety of trees and shrubs in Alberta. The fungus initially infects the branches of a tree, and left untreated, will enter into and rot away at the core of the tree - eventually killing it. This can be very dangerous, since badly infected trees lack the structural integrity to withstand strong winds and can break or collapse unexpectedly.
Black knot should be cut out of the tree as soon as it appears in order to prevent its spread, and rotten or infected limbs must be removed.
The cost of Black Knot removal is determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the size of the tree and the extent of the infection. Contact us for a free quote!
Oystershell Scale
Oystershell Scale is a disease widespread in Calgary, caused by a small tree pest, which lays eggs that resemble oyster shell-shaped blights. The disease affects cotoneaster hedges, lilacs, and a wide variety of shrubs and trees. Left untreated, the disease begins to smother the plant it lives on, eventually killing it.
Oystershell scale is best treated by spraying affected areas with a heavy coating of horticultural oil, which smothers and kills the eggs that cause the disease. In severe cases, infected branches should be removed, or the affected hedge/shrub should be cut to ground level.
Spraying for oystershell in hedges costs $20 per 10ft of hedge, or $180 per 100ft. The price of Oystershell treatment in trees is determined on a case-by-case basis. Contact us for a free quote!
Safe, natural, and effective fertilization for all your trees and plants!
Trees and gardens could all use a boost from time to time! Fertilizing your trees helps encourage growth and protect from pests and diseases. Whether you are looking to strengthen a young tree, protect your mature trees from disease, or simply give your trees a little extra vigour during the growing season, fertilizing is the way to go. We use all-natural kelp-based fertilizer in all our work, which is not only less harsh on your trees, but also better for our environment as a whole.
Tree fertilizing costs $35 per tree, or $140 per 5 trees.
Planting new trees is a wonderful thing!
At Glenmore Yard and Tree, we know which tree species are best suited for Calgary's harsh climate. We source our trees from local nurseries, where trees are bred and hardened to withstand Alberta weather. Most of our trees are between 5 and 10 feet tall when planted, depending on the tree's species and maturity. We plant all our trees using high quality soil and proper planting techniques to set our trees up to thrive. After planting, we mulch and fertilize our young trees, which not only provides trees with vital nutrients and moisture, but also creates a beautiful outdoor space.
The cost of tree planting depends on the size and species of the tree. Contact us for a free quote!